Questions every B2B business should answer yes to: Do you have a clear and current marketing strategy? Do you have a deep understanding of your target audience? Do you know the most effective channels to target your prospect customers? Is your organisation clear on your marketing goals and objectives? Do you have clear measurement around your marketing efforts? Do you have a value proposition and do you incorporate this into all of your marketing channels and communications? Do your sales and marketing teams work hand in hand and does your sales team have the tools, resources, and training they need to effectively sell? Do you have a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy? Do you integrate CSR into our overall marketing strategy and messaging? Are all of the key departments clear on stakeholder expectations (customers, employees, investors) regarding CSR? Have you conducted an audit to understand how much community work the business supports and if it aligns to your values, business objectives and stakeholder expectations? Do you track all of the community activity conducted in your company? What social impact measures do you have in place? Do you have a community policy and assessment survey in place for when employees wish to support these grassroots activities. What partnerships or collaborations do you have to enhance your CSR impact? Thank you!